When I thought about creating a website, I wanted it to have a few basic things:
Document past travel ✅Current travel blogging ✅Cost effective travel ideas ✅ Inspire to travel ✅
I am probably in the top percentile of people my age who use social media. It was a fad that never really went away for me until now. I would constantly post my travels which most people do as well. It just got to a point where I was just tired of the bullshit that came along with posting.
Starting NorthAmericanDarrell.com was always the answer but it was never a reality until January 2024.
The learning curve has been massive for me but I have enjoyed it so that is all that matters. I have broken down my places visited into Continents, Countries, and cities with a few exceptions like “Islands”.
Now that the structure of the site is developed, I can just blog as memories come across my mind.
The below list shows the best Countries to visit; I have been to the following:
1-Thailand, 7-Peru, 10-UAE, 11-France, 12-UK and 14-USA.
My current trip as of January 2024 should take me to:
2-Greece, 3-Indonesia, 4- Portugal, 8-Italy, 13-Bora Bora and, 15-Spain.
That should make it 12 of 15! Big dreamer – let’s see how it plays out!
Missing but achievable except the last one as I have zero interest in going to India!
5-Sri Lanka, 6-South Africa and 9-India.