Why create a website, they have social media!
The simple answer is that people spend too much money on travel IMO, and I want to try to help through experience. I put my boots (flip flops) on the ground and tell you what I saw, and you can take it from there if you choose. I have my Gmail and WhatsApp contact icons on the home page if you have a question and the best part is that it is free unless you decide to buy me a beer. What a deal, right!?
As a boomer, trying to relearn or in most case learn new technology, I ask myself this question every single update WTF but, at the end of some travel days, I really enjoy posting. I took several banking classes over the last seven years but nothing technical. I didn’t need to understand how things worked like my 18-year career in Telecommunications.
People asked me, why don’t you get back into Telecom. The answer is simple, I am a 3G guy living in a 5G world of internet. All I needed to do confirm my career was coming to an end was to study for my CCNA certification. To this day, I still do not properly understand IP addresses which is the absolute basics of understanding the internet. Damn kids, get off my lawn!
Secondly, people judging my social media posts had become extremely old:
- Why do you need to post everything?
- I shake my head every time I read one of your posts!
- Why does everything need to be political?
- I don’t post everything that happens in my life.
- People have responsibilities and cannot travel like you.
- People will never travel like you is my absolute favorite!
As you will start to understand or may already know me, I love to travel, find and share good deals. Now you need to visit NorthAmericanDarrell.com if you’re interested instead of Social Media posts. I plan to still use social media to direct people to posts but the choice will be theirs to click the link.
Another reason for creating NorthAmericanDarrell.com is a lot of my work and personal travels have been solo. I have things that I have always wanted to share with people, and it does not matter if you’re friends, family or complete strangers. Some posts my save you money and others are posts that I think may give you an edge in your travels if you choose. Again, you get to decide to visit so quit your bitching on grammar and spellcheck as well.
In closing, one of the last things my mom said to me was, “Live Life to the fullest” and she would often add “If they don’t like it, they can kiss my ass”. It would drive me and my sisters crazy, but little did we know, she was absolutely right, and we all say it now.
I even got a tattoo “Live life to the fullest” on my leg and I can promise you that a “you can kiss my ass” tattoo will happen someday too. I miss you everyday Mom, I will do the best I can to show people on this website to “Live life to the fullest” and if they don’t like it, they can kiss my ass!
Welcome to NorthAmericanDarrell.com